Sunday, February 20, 2011

Getting the Words Right

Writers know the importance—and frustration—of, as Hemingway put it, “getting the words right.” We labor over our manuscripts, writing and revising, sometimes not knowing if we’re on the right path. With more and more people writing and publishing today, we still find too many books lacking the necessary ingredients to hook the reader and keep them turning pages.

After years of conducting writing workshops, I’ve put some of this knowledge into the form of a series of Craft of Writing booklets filled with proven techniques and helpful tips. The booklets will help you set that narrative hook with a great beginning, discover solutions to meandering middles and unsatisfying endings, write engaging scenes that move the story forward, create compelling characters, spicy dialogue, and learn strategies for revision. Each booklet is only $6.00 available by clicking on this link, On that page you’ll also find an archive of a dozen articles taken from my columns in The Florida Writer.

While it’s an uphill climb to publishing success, getting the words right is the first big step. Enjoy the journey.